Wise Community is about creating united and thinking communities...
Wise Community Competition and Projects
076 044 1873
Wise Community is a project and a competition that aims to develop community by community equiping them with resources and
creative programmes in order for them to develop their people and community infrastracture. This gives the country and the Government
ways to work better with forward thinking and moving communities. The other objective is to unite the members of the community in one voice which
is creativity and innovation.
The Wise Community Competition will runs as follows:
1. Communities will compete against each other, no individual paticipant.
2. Each community must form a group of a maximum of 15 members.
3. Members must be 16 to 35 of age and one learder must be selected to represent the group.
About the competition projects:
1. The competition project must be technological or be using technology in one way or the other.
2. The project must have a potentioal to develop the community.
3. It can have cultural or traditional elements.
4. It must have the potential to create jobs.
5. It must have its own business model.
6. And must be in need of funding.
Purpose of Wise Community Project:
1. To unite members of the community in creativity.
2. To utilise people's unused academic skills and other skills especially for those who studied but aren't working or employed.
3. To utilise Wise Community Creative Workshops in the communities. The projects from the competition are explored further under
the Wise Community Programme especially those that did not win the competition, they will be developed into working projects.
4. To inspire the vision of being a nation of limitless creativity and instil this mindset to the youth of the communities.
5. Continue to create more jobs and needed markets.